Monday 27 August 2012

Knitting Knews

I hadn't intended to blog about Prince Harry's game of Strip Billiards ('not an euphemism' as the World Service helpfully pointed out).  I have mixed feelings about it: I'm not bothered about an unmarried 28-year-old with no girlfriend having a wild time; I'm indignant about multimillionaire hooray-Henrys calling the girls they pick up and get drunk 'Despicable' for cashing in; and I get annoyed when rent-a-quote MPs say that the Royal Protection Squad should be doing something about it, or when 'The Palace' try to subvert press freedom by using the Press Complaints Commission before the fact.

Anyway, in the delightful language of the Army, Harry is to have an interview with his Commanding Officer - 'Standing; No coffee".   A phrase that must give Ruperts everywhere the willies.  Everything is sorted then.

So why am I writing?  Because...

...the Saltburn Yarnbomber has struck again!

The Yarnbomber first appeared in October 2011  - 'First it was a set of darned books (The Secret Cardigan and A Ripping Yarn) tied to a railing outside the library. Next, a tray of woollen buns appeared by the cake shop, while a family of teddy bears was spotted eating tiny knitted sandwiches on a picnic table near the promenade.' 

In March of this year, the SYB went all Jubilympic

The Olympic Scarf

Detail of the Olympic Scarf

HM and Friends

The Yorkies on the Jubilee Scarf

 And now...

Not a stitch on!

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